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Friday, December 25, 2009

Secret agent man?

Christmas day and what's a Jew to do? Quiet for me this year and I have lots of time to reflect on what I am doing right... and wrong, to further my career. I'm not getting any younger and I am too ambitious to simply fade away without a good fight. So, how best to do that... anyone?

I have thought about this often and I have been stymied by ignorance, but I think I need a literary agent. I've tried, once when I had an idea for what I thought was a good concept, reprinting many of my travel pieces on the unusual and the macabre, and I sent the kit to a New York agent. She read it, considered it, and finally passed. I am assuming this is normal for many writers and that you often have to plug, plug, plug away till you hit pay-dirt. The problem is, I am far from connected in this area.

I'm not sure if these professionals even exist, but someone once told me that there are agents who can help me recycle many of the features I have had published... and there have been a lot of these since my first, published in 1993. Sounds like a great idea on paper. But in fact? Not sure... anyone know about this?

Some of my published articles have been placed on my first website, at www.scribeworld.net and are pretty good. I always thought my feature A Son's Manifesto, a intimate look at how an adoptee feels deep in his guts, is worth another publishing cycle. It appeared in The Gazette, our Montreal daily, on Mother's Day 1998, and many people think it is one of the best things I have written to date. If you are adopted or have given a child up for adoption... or know any of these individuals... take a peek. I had to really expose a raw nerve to write this and it was well worth the effort in terms of emotion and information. It was also very cathartic for me, because I am troubled by the lack of information I possess on my roots. Angry.

Another issue I am having is whether anyone is even reading this blog. I don't get any notifications, I have three public followers INCLUDING myself, and I don't know whether I am supposed to discover whether I am being read. Or not. Anyone reading? Please let me know. Even if you hate it, it's better for me to know I suck rather than writing in a vacuum.

Merry Christmas to the Christian community and goodwill and health to all!

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